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November 15, 2017


Greggs has apologised for replacing baby Jesus with a sausage roll

(Thanks to Bob Brogan)


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No worries. On Christmas Eve the sausage roll will give way to the baby Jesus.

Keeping it classy.

The Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster put them up to it.

Is it kosher to mix marketing, promotions, and public relations?

‘I’m no prude, but equating Jesus, a Jew, to a sausage roll really is deeply offensive on all sorts of levels.’

Here we go again, with people going out of their way to be offended by anything. Y'know, there's more than a little truth to the joke about the Jewish guy who owned three sets of dinnerware -- one for milk, one for meat, and one for when he wanted a ham sandwich. (And I'm Jewish, BTW.)

Greggs sausage rolls are awesome, regardless of where you find them.

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