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November 18, 2017


Grandpa's final wish granted: Bury me with Pat's cheesesteaks

(Thanks to Al Barkafski, The Perts and Le Petomane)


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I’d risk the onion haunting. You only live once.

“He said I couldn’t put them in the casket before the viewing because people would take them,” John said.

There is low, and then there’s this (i.e., don’t mean putting the food in, but taking it out.)

He just had a little gas and could have been resuscitated and survived six or seven more cheesesteaks, eleven quarts of butter brickle ice cream, half pound of bacon to the 7th power, a dozen jelly bean cupcakes or so, a quarter pounder, a three pounder and a trip to crispy Kreme - his usual.

For the record, the deceased placed his order (in advance) for a Pat’s wiz without. That is an order for one Pat's cheese steak made with cheese whiz, no onions.

Would you like fries with that, sir?

I'm with NMUA - definitely onions.

Now this guy was a true Philly Fanatic.


I used to find myself in 'the city of brotherly love' twice a year on business. I grew to love the Philly Cheesesteaks from Jim's on South Street. If you want to start a fight in Philly say you prefer X' to Y's...blood will flow :)

Here in New Mexico some people choose to be buried covered with two sacks of extra-hot green chile peppers.
It's supposed to be cheaper than embalming.

I've eaten at Pat's. It was worth the detour into the city. We still talk about the experience. I can see how someone would get attached to them. They are really good.

I had onions and cheese whiz on mine. Ketchup and little mustard. No hot sauce, though. I'm not a fan of hot sauce.


I’m from Philadelphia, so I’ll start that “X vs. Y” fight: Geno’s cheesesteaks are better, even if you do have to order in English. GO IGGLES!

He also requested his cremation medium rare...

(Credit my BW, Mrs. Death Row Doc, for that one liner...)

buried wit two of his cheesesteaks

That's not a flub...it's Philadelphian. ("Fluffyan")

What, no ghost peppers ?

What a gas!?! Cheesesteaks to open up the pearly gates?

Heck, yeah! And stand back!

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