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November 12, 2017


Matching pyjamas for you and your dog is a thing now

(Thanks to Ralph)


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I made a deal with my dog when I first adopted her that if she wouldn't chew up my shoes I wouldn't dress her up in dumb costumes. So far it's worked out pretty well.

What about pyjamas for my elephant?

Anyone else think that PajamaGram has to be a money laundering operation? I always suspected that, but when they started offering pajamas for -cats-, I'm no sure of it!

Ralph set up the classic Groucho Marx quote perfectly;
"One morning I shot an elephant in my pajamas.How he got in my pajamas is a mystery."

When dogs do laundry .... still no.

How will we tell them apart?

Soon to be a judging event at the Westminster Dog Show.

My wife and I laughed when we saw the pockets...

I was going to try this, but my dog would only agree if I was first neutered.

If I were to try this with my cat, you'd never find my body.

My wife dresses the dog. The dog that weighs 3 pounds. You be the judge.

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