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November 12, 2017


A naked man ran through the home of an 82-year-old woman, stopping to try on her clothing, according to police.


(Thanks to Jeff Schneider)


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When I read stories like this it just reminds me of how dull my life really is.

Can't Tyler Perry buy his own clothes?

Fashion Week in Florida.

If there is some drug out there that causes a stepson to try on an 82 Y/0 woman's clothes,I sincerely hope there was just one batch made and they were too stoned to remember what the ingredients were.

Loudmouth wins!

Designer other people's clothing is indeed a overlooked category!

If granny's clothes fit, you must acquit.

In accordance with Blog policies, I am not making fun of Joseph Vaglica's last name... merely noting that he must have had a rough childhood because of it. o.O

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