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November 16, 2017


Man, 62, is arrested after wandering around a Michigan gas station covered in blood he claimed was Santa's and holding a lump of meat

(Thanks to Geoff, who says "Oh ya better watch out....")


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He just missed the cut on Reservoir Dogs.

It is said that he who ingests the glowing nose of Rudolf will be gifted with extraordinary powers.

He's going to need them.

and...ladies and er gents, I'm guessing he's single and available

Fairly certain that will get you to the "Naughty" list. Maybe to the top, even.

He shot Santa's eye out!

I guess Santa was hungry, so Rudolph was the first to go...

I wonder about how he got to that point. Maybe I’m just melancholy today

Reindeer meat. It's what's for dinner.

A mash up of Elf on the Shelf and the Trailer Park Boys.

You don't know it's reindeer meat. Might be one less Bumble.

Clearly the Pump Island of Misfit Drunks

Is this what happens when Santa's reindeer refuse to retire???

Purple the Perp...soon to be a new Doctor Suess holiday book.

*snork* @ Marc

Soon to be a Hallmark Christmas movie, "The Guy Who Shot Santa". I'm sure it'll have a warm, fuzzy ending that will make you cry.

This story makes me uncomfortable.

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