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November 21, 2017


The Slippery Stairs Game

(Thanks to Peter Metrinko)


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To heck with Christmas caroling -- get the whole neighborhood together for a round of this.

Same as your Senator going up the front steps of his Georgetown condo after a night out at a diplomatic party.

"Who needs dignity when you can be in the entertainment business?"

-- Garrison Keillor

They continue to add more snot from those faucets on top. That treasure chest is really empty.

They got the idea from Simon and Garfunkel.

"Whoah, God only knows, God makes his plan
the information's unavailable to the mortal man
we're workin' our jobs, collect our pay
believe we're gliding down the highway,
when in fact we're slip sliding away."

"Slippery stairs is only metaphor in game of Life."

-- Mongo

Who would watch that for nine minutes?
All one needs to do is slap the ankle of the person next to them to send them tumbling.

fractalist: nice quote. You, too, wanderer.

No Stairway.

Chinese game shows are weird. When I was in Shanghai, the big show involved identifying western pop and rock music played on cathedral chimes with a lot of distortion. The participants and audience (teenage girls, mostly) screamed a lot. There was a TV mounted at the end of my bathtub, an amenity that North American hotels generally lack.

Stairway to the ER.

The Power Rangers are really hurtin' for gigs.

Future Olympic event.

Crisco in Japan? I didn't think they liked or used that....

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