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November 11, 2017


...we call this "fitting in to a tight parking spot."

(Thanks to Jeff Meyerson, who says: "His Florida license was lowered into the ditch. The judges gave him a 6.0 on the landing.")


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If you had a crane lower your car into a hole you could not get a better fit.

Drunks rule!

In CA one of every two ilegal alien licensed drivers accomplished this feat by ignoring the goofy looking English written road work ahead warning signs.

CA Driver's license of preference.

Live-action performance of Stephen King's novella "Dolan's Cadillac." Great story.

Most illegal alien CA drivers just show their utility bill in place of a valid CA Driver's license. FL should implement this requirement immediately.

Proof of Residency
Residency documents include, but are not limited to:

Mortgage bill or rental/lease agreement.
Employment documents or pay stub.
Utility bills or cell phone bills.
Medical documents.
School documents.
Bank statements.
Insurance documents (home, auto, health, dental, etc.)

Thank you.


"The reason I stopped you today is because you just ran over that Cal Trans worker and landed sideways down in this hole in the road."

"Do you have a valid CA Driver's license?"



Need new reading glasses... misread the location in the article as Satan Island.

Alternate side parking?

Satan Island? I like it!

Nissan Altima into the corner pocket? I saw something like this once in a pool hall....

At least he wasn't charged with leaving the scene of an accident!

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