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November 17, 2017


7:41 p.m. A concerned citizen called the cops to inform them of some drama on a local Facebook group.

(Thanks to Craig Roberts)


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It WAS a little rowdy in here.

"4:29 p.m. A Kalispell mother called police because her son has a problem with stealing. His biggest score thus far was apparently some packaged putty from a local box store."

Is this considered a felony, or misdemeanor putty theft?

In addition to the dog, residents also reported seeing a man sitting funny, and in a possibly related story, a Kalispell man reported his pet eel was missing.

The Facebook drama is likely related to the earlier call about the man who moved in to help a lady with a broken ankle
The caregiver has developed a rash over his "entire body" and refuses to leave.

Then we have a chap named "Shaggy" who also likely has a rash, breaking into cabins.

But the high drama we are most concerned about: Will that little kitty get a home?
The excitement never stops in Flathead County.

What, can't they sell tickets like any other theater group?

Hustling cops usually doesn't work.

The lady with the caregiver is lucky. I broke my foot a few years ago and my caregivers were not only surly but they stayed at my house for over seven years! They ate my food, asked for money, took my car, left the tank empty when they came back to my house, and complained when they had to bring me a drink of water. Unfortunately they were my teenaged son and daughter so there wasn't much I could do about it.

This could lead to unfriending.

They really don't have enough to do up there.

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