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November 14, 2017


Naked scientists race around the pole in the frigid cold to try to join Antarctica's exclusive 300 Club.

(Thanks to Allen at Division)


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I feel their pain from here.

Is it called the George Costanza Run?

"...South Pole residents..."


"Vern, did I just hear the mailman?"
"(Looking out window) Nope. Just Larry walking his dog...Think I'll walk down to the barber shop and get a trim."
"Better take a sweater. Weatherman said it's only gonna be -100 today."

Worst I've been in was 25 below with some horrifying wind chill in Wisconsin. These folks get in a 200-degree sauna first. I'm pretty sure the system shock would just kill me on the first couple of steps. Brrr!

Shrinkage, Jerry. Shrinkage!

Groucho Marx was a very smart man who penned a quote that covers this situation perfectly:

"I refuse to join any club that would have me as a member."

Boffins: do not lick that pole.

We all know that the 200 degree sauna makes this story 100% BS, correct?

I complain about how I'm freezing to death when our temperatures get down to 32 degrees above zero. I think our scientists need a new hobby like knitting.

Which makes me wonder what you have to do to join the 700 Club.

@fractalist - nobody wants to see people from the 700 Club naked.

If it was me participating in this, my last words would be "Who locked the $#%$ door?"

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