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November 16, 2017


DUI lawyer is busted for drugs after barging into stranger’s home in high heels, no pants

In Florida, this would qualify him or a judgeship.

(Thanks to Le Petomane, who says "He's gonna need a good lawyer.")


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Have you been arrested for committing kinko sexually explicit acts you learned from years of relationships with a regular small throng of fun-loving, good-natured hookers? Hello...I'm Justin Christodoro and I can spice up even the most boring drafting of your Living Trust. DUI? Screw it, let's get it on.

I'm sure he'll be filing briefs in short order.

Clearly, he should have said, "May it please the court..."

"Daddy's home!"

He looks like the kind of guy who would need high heels.

"In an ad for his practice posted on YouTube he says he specializes in drug offenses." Yep!

Perhaps in his drug induced euphoria he imagined he was auditioning for America's Got Talent or The Rocky Picture Lawyer Show.

It would just be my luck to get into trouble and have this guy show up as my court appointed attorney.

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