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November 12, 2017


Florida man charged with DUI while riding lawn mower

(Thanks to DaninDallas, Another Ralph and John Lobert)


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But it's still okay to drive a Walmart scooter when you're impaired isn't it?
Last week there was a post about a woman getting arrested while riding a horse drunk. She was drunk not the horse. And now this. We might as well just shred the Constitution.

Nursecindy is right about shredding the constitution. When you can't ride a sober horse home from a saloon things are really rotten.

This fool was the terror of Highway 1.

It was the Lawn Ranger, sad over Tonto breakup.

At least he had Budweiser. Imagine the embarrassment of being caught with Bud Light.

Actually, that picture looks staged...

Qaz, I think you meant to say it was the Lawn Ranger, sad over Toro breakup. I wonder if Dave is still a member of the Lawn Rangers?

Qaz is likely correct about the lawn Rangers breaking up with Tonto and joining with Toro. After more people discovered the Spanish meaning of tonto is "crazy" or "Stupid," it was just a business move.

Was he drunk? Sounds more like he was on grass.

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