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November 20, 2017


Self-taught rocket scientist plans to launch over ghost town

Following his jump, he said he’s going to announce his plans to leap into the race for governor of California.

(Thanks to John Gregg, Ray Reese and Bill Hudgins)


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His project has cost him $20,000, which includes Rust-Oleum paint to fancy it up.

Plus a couple cans of Bondo.

I think this guy's been sniffing the paint and fuel fumes.

There's maybe something in the water down there?

Viva Knievel.

Well, it's Monday. No major network coverage over the weekend and no follow up.

Fumes and fantasy, perhaps?

If has the required number of therapists and required medication list the office is his.

I have actually been to Amboy, California. Wyatt Earp Of Tombstone fame had some mining claims near Amboy and the estate wanted an appraisal. I can't imagine a better place to test a rocket. When I was there an explosion would have caused thousands of dollars worth of improvements.

Of course, our Rocket Man will have an ejection seat, parachute, helmet and fire retardant clothing. CNN can then start a months long series of reports: "Searching For Rocket Man."

I've driven past Amboy, many times. It's a good place to be from. Perhaps 80 miles from... Near Amboy is Amboy Crater, an extinct volcanic cinder cone. Years ago, as a senior prank, the students hauled a large amount of firewood into the crater, lit it on fire, and hid. Many of the locals were sure that the volcano had suddenly re-awakened.

"You know, for a smart guy you're not too bright, are ya?"

Steam powered? So he has built a huge version of a pump up coke bottle rocket. Flat Earth is 5 centuries past. Steam power is 2 centuries past. I think he has built a time machine...bottle rocket.

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