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November 11, 2017


Man wins surprise pork industry award after tireless reviews of bacon sandwiches

(Thanks to Emily, Leslie and w)


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Awards do not get more prestigious than Outstanding Services to Bacon.

Well done, mate!

Damn that looks good. They have a different concept of bacon. Looks like fried ham. Still, my fav is a good old BLT with garden T and 1/2" of B at the Amish market.

A line I don't want to hear in the men's room: "Would you be interested in extending your judging to sausages?"

I make the best bacon sandwiches you'll ever eat. Soft white bread, a little Duke's mayo, 1/2 fresh garden tomato, some lettuce, and a lot of bacon. Of course it wouldn't be complete without a tall glass of ice cold sweet tea.
I truly believe that pre-cooked bacon should be outlawed.

Who says there are no more heroes??? I like my heroes with bacon.

Is that like the Silver Sow Award?

(He does look a little like he could be Les Nessman's cousin.)

I was also the five time winner Buckeye Newshawk award.

Please don't ask me about winning the Silver Cob award. That one is still too painful to talk about.

Nursecindy, I've fallen in love...with your sandwich.

Cindy's got the right idea, except I stop after the bacon. A true bacon sandwich is white bread (affectionately called "bung wad" where I come from), mayo on both slices (Duke's is my fave since I moved down south, but NEVER Miracle Whip) and very crisp bacon.

I want one NOW.

Also, I don't like the looks of that "brown sauce."

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