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November 16, 2017


‘He could have blown up the block’: Fla. police discover booby-trapped SpongeBob lunchbox

(Thanks to Rob Simbeck)


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Making a booby-trapped SpongeBob lunchbox in China would get you something like shoplifting, but the real punishment would be the 40 lb. bag of rice you keep around the kitchen would be confiscated.

Sorry, not finding much humor in this one. Normally (or as close as it gets with this blog), Mr. Squarepants might be good for a laugh, but not really this time.

No, I'm not in a cranky, get-off-my-lawn frame of mind. The whole bombs-to-hurt-emergency-responders thing just doesn't lend itself to gags.

Too bad that knucklehead didn't drink that much alcohol the last time he did heroin, otherwise we would already have one less crazy freak in the world.

Double check any pineapples

Christopher S Langer ==>
Percale thong shirrs
Lethargic press horn
Sniper sloth charger
Rhino pelts chargers
Pen1s thrash clog err

I got the same response as Meanie. This is a guy who should have no contact with the public for many, many years.

I always thought there was something subversive about SpongeBob Squarepants. Plus Urine? Ew!!!

In my day we had "hereos" like the Three Stooges,
Snagglepus, and Droopy Dogg.

How far have we "fallen"?

“If I was a roach, I wouldn’t live in that room,”....kind of reminds me of the room my brother and I shared when growing up.....

Not to minimize the actions of this miscreant, but viewed through the right lens anyone with a few basic cleaning products and baking ingredients in their kitchen could be said to be in possession of "bomb making" paraphernalia. Better living through chemistry! Intent makes the difference and this guy had it in abundance.

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