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November 20, 2017


"We’ve got the flags flying as a precaution."



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By early afternoon, the croc was trapped and taken into custody.

Thanks, MOTW.

I assume Judi will still be fired.

Thanks from me too MOTW. I hope someone thought to put some sunscreen on this croc. There's nothing meaner than a crocodile with a bad sunburn.

As a lifelong Western resident, how do you tell the difference between an alligator and a crocodile. Or is it safer to run away from either,climb the nearest tree and hope there's not a python the size of a telephone pole in it?

Was it in Best. State. Ever. I read FL broke off the Australian continent and was drug here by alligators around the time Pounce Deleon had his named legally changed to Dion? I was Wandering.

Le Petomane: If it will see you later, it's an alligator. If it will see you after while, it's a crocodile. GICH.

@LePet: Crocodiles have lower jaw attached to upper jaw by ligatory tendons. Aligators have no ligatory tendons:hence theyre a-ligators. Crocodiles cannot swallow large prey because they can`t open their mouths as far as aligators can. Stay away from both.

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