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November 16, 2017


Guppy fish have personalities, say researchers

(Thanks to Nelson from Michigan)


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Fake fish news.

Sounds like it's about time for another massive government-funded (i.e. taxpayer funded) study.

From the Pisceslist classifieds:

SWGD (Single white guppy dude) looking for potential mate who enjoys swimming back and forth along the length of the tank, sharing sea-chanties, occasional frolics through the air bubbler, hiding in castle recesses, and gorging on decaying bits of former tank buddies. Must be freshwater, non-predator. Prominent fins preferred.

I resemble that remark.

- Dale Hartley, PhD

I have a goldfish who is a Bozo to the other fish in the tank. He doesn’t get out much.

No sign of a personality for the White Cloud Mountain Minnows, other than being a Little cliquish when at school.


Sounds fishy to me

The researchers are all wet. Especially after trying to coax all those guppy fish secrets!

Cue Donny Osmond's "Guppy Love" song?

When I kept guppies many decades years ago the predominant personality type could easily be referred to as "bait".

I knew a guy who owned a stock brokerage firm. Now I'm beginning to understand why he referred to his customers as "Guppies."

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