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November 13, 2017


Majority Of Americans Would Skip Holiday Gift-Giving, Survey Says


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I am totally with this and think it's a great idea. Just as long as I still get some presents.

Don’t mention this idea to your wife unless the couch is comfortable

Yep. I tapered off over the years. Shopping ahead>Christmas week>Christmas Eve>Amazon>even less Amazon>Nuthin'.

And yet... there they are. Are these the same people standing in line at a store on Thanksgiving Eve?

That's before these same folks get a look at Dave's 2017 Holiday Gift Recommendations. Then out come the credit cards.

Yet the tradition continues. Even Scrooge Got a Christmas goose in the end.

He gave Bob Cratchet a Christmas goose, and ended up the first recipient of the Harvey Weinstein Award.

My family had a tradition of limiting gifts to under $5. It actually made it hard to shop for stuff that wasn't crap.

No problem for me. That's exactly what I give. Nothing.

Dave had this idea a decade ago:
"So my suggestion to women stressed out by the holidays is this: Instead of complaining to your husband or boyfriend about how much holiday stuff you have to do, call some other stressed-out woman and make a deal with her that neither of you will give the other one a gift this year."

But he also pointed out that it would never work.
Original article: http://www.miamiherald.com/living/liv-columns-blogs/dave-barry/article1939198.html

I had the same family tradition, Ralph. It started with under $20, then $10, $5, then $1. At that point, we just gave up a few years ago.

So, we're now gettin nuttin

About 3 years ago someone asked me if I had finished my Christmas shopping. I answered, "Yes I did, I finished in 1986".

When I was a mining camp brat, I was always getting threatened with getting only coal in my Christmas sock. if you have priced a sack of coal, that would be one heck of a good present nowadays.

There is nothing that I wouldn't get for any of you here ;)

(I'm joking, I'm joking!)

But I did just start my "Christmas Wish List". I must be doing better than I realize, because other than "Share and laugh more often!" my list is blank.

What more could I ask for?

(Well, unless Dave puts his Stratocaster up for auction....)

@PirateBoy - shouldn't that be "Point and laugh more often"?

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