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November 16, 2017


Driver lands in jail after challenging cop who was writing him a ticket to a fight

(Thanks to Jeff Meyerson)


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"You'll never take me alive, copper!"


Cops can write tickets to a fight? Since when?

I've had the opportunity to work with a lot of policemen and they love it when you challenge them to a fight. It gives them a chance to use their tasers.

So you challenge a guy to a fight who has a gun and a taser. Brilliant !

The gentlemanly thing to do would have been to offer to "wrassle" the officer for it.

"Your write tough tickets for a cop who doesn't know how to fight, you f---ing a--.”

LeDud, don't discount that the person with the gun and taser has A LOT of friends with guns and tasers who will come to his aide.

Eventually, OK maybe, the young offender will learn that you can always be a jerk later. It is hard to walk that back if you lead with it.

I know we New Yorkers can be feisty, but this guy went way overboard on nusecindy's "Moron" scale.

I believe the first person to make the mistake of challenging a cop to a fight was when some cowboy challenged Wyatt Earp in Tombstone Arizona. It didn't work out well for the cowboy then either.
Our criminals just isn't leaning.

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