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November 16, 2017


Employees catch couple having sex 'really fast' at Texas movie theater

(Thanks to Jeff Meyerson)


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Don't you just hate it when you go to the movies and the first 20 minutes is nothing but c'mming attractions.

Was it fast as in speed of execution, or "fast as a bunny"?

This couple must have met at the Bunny Ranch in Nevada where they showed showed Rapid Rabbit movies to customers.

"How was the movie?"

"I couldn't see a thing. A lady sitting in front of me blocked my view with her fast moving ass bobbing around up in my face."

"Other than that, how was it?"


Marc that was truly awful. Well done. I'm guessing the movie wasn't JIGSAW.

At the last drive-in movie I went to (1977?) the couple next to me were quite (ahem) "frisky" until the female apparently dropped something. Somehow her left foot wedged (toes down) between the steering wheel and the switch for the horn. Not that anyone noticed.

Actually, everyone noticed. And cheered.

Was it a Buster Keaton film festival?

Does this mean they'll have to start showing warnings during previews, like they do now for turning off your cell phone, and not talking loudly?
"Please be courteous..."

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