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October 27, 2017


Aircraft engineer avoids jail after removing a man's testicle in a motel room

(Thanks to Le Petomane)


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Maybe he had worked on mail planes in the past and felt that qualified him.


So the left testicle is the male one?

Australia - the Florida of Countries?


You know what they say; can't fly on one ball.

I've heard of people having a ball in a hotel room, but this is ridiculous...

One can only imagine what could have happened if the flight engineer had been paid to remove both testicles.
If the patient han't developed an infection, he may have been able to sing "Copacabana" perfectly. Oh, the humanity!

Unfair and imbalanced.

"avoids jail after removing a man's testicle in a motel room"

If OJ had known that;s how it works, he'd have taken more than sports memorabilia.

They forgot to Google "testicle removal video" for the proper procedure.

"Uh, hello. Is this the front desk? Could you send someone to remove this testicle I found in my room?"

Let me guess - Holiday Inn Express - right?

I'd give my left nut to do that... oh, wait.

If the testicle belonged to RocketMan, he'd be a national hero.

You all are snippy today!

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