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September 18, 2017


Canadian man, 31, stands outside courthouse in just his underwear for a MONTH demanding police return his bong and marijuana - and it works!

(Thanks to Patty Villanova)


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Didn't Jeffrey Shaver do some of the back up vocal work on the Revolver album?

I never thought about protesting like that for my muffler violation.

Then again, if I had, I would have tagged for a human rights violation

Would this work in traffic court?

Why he wants his bong in his underwear is anyone's guess.

Also, clearly the guy did not live up to his name.

There's a lesson there for next year's Emmy aspirants, but I'm not sure what it is.

I can hear nursecindy's comment in my head.

Must have been a "magic" Bong for this "ding dong"....NTTAWWT...

What rhymes with bong underwear?

I'm not Canadian, but I'm fairly sure that this is not how briefs are filed there.

Lesson: If Canada really wants to crack down on this kind of thing, do it in the winter.

What a quartette -- just the guy, his bong, his marijuana and his underwear.

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