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September 26, 2017


Massive crocodile casually ambles through the streets of Miami

It's actually not Miami; it's Cutler Bay. But still.

(Thanks to Mr. Tom Shroder)


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The crocodile was spotted by a Cutler Bay police officer and he quickly summoned backup.

Pretty smart croc there.

I'm sure that could be a description of many Florida men.

I thought stripes were the new spots for crocodiles this year.

Who's a good boy? YOU'RE a good boy, yes you are.
A very hefty healthy boy, too. Off in the lake you go ..

So now even the Lake Placid crocodiles are coming to Florida for the winter?

Florida cops can't tell the difference between a gator and a croc that size from less than 20 feet away? No wonder they think people with cellphones are armed and dangerous.

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