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September 16, 2017


Officials in Manatee County, Florida are under fire after an interpreter for the deaf warned about pizza and monsters during an emergency briefing related to Hurricane Irma.

(Thanks to Peter Metrinko)


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Hey, let's be honest. Pizza and monsters are key issues in Florida at the best of times.

I thought Al lived in Tennessee.

The Flying Pizza Monster was joined by the Flying Spaghetti Monster to hug bear. In Colorado this would make sense.

I saw this press conference live and immediately noticed LSD was involved.

A brother's childhood prank finally pays off

Common mistranslation: He was signing that if a monster wants your pizza, tell it to wrassle the big bear loudly, right?

Bugs Bunny could have done better.

If N. Korea ever agrees to negotiate a peace treaty with S. Korea they should send that translator to the peace talks in Pyongyang.

Marc: thus ensuring war.

In South Florida, however, I can see how Irma-related civil unrest could encourage looting by pizza-hungry monsters. This is the same place, recall, where horny alligators can be lured into swimming pools by malicious tuba-playing neighbors. Only in houses bordering the Everglades, it is true, but still.

Within the translators mind: "CAN YOU HEAR ME NOW!?!"

What....are monsters offended ? PC has gone too far when monsters are a protected class.

"I understand the bear part, but this thing about the hovercraft being full of eels has me stumped."

Read my lips... No new pizza.

What is all this about ManBearPig?

Pizza and monsters? Guy must have been moonlighting from his day job at a Chuck E. Cheese.

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