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September 29, 2017


Canada set to remove drunk canoeing as an impaired driving offence

(Thanks to Roberto)


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If this keeps up, soon there will be nothing left you can do drunk except politics.

Out here, we have drunken canoe racing

Hey, I got pulled over a couple of times.

“Sir, do you know how fast you were paddling?”

Row, row, row your canoe
gently down the stream
drinking Moosehead and
life is but a dream

Row,row, row your canoe
gently down the stream
if you fall overboard
don't forget to scream

I have canoed thousands of miles in the Yukon Territory, and while I've imbibed on more than a few occasions, I can't remember ever being actually drunk in the boat. The icy water is far more of a threat than the Mounties, who are usually over 100 miles away, and you only get to be stupid once.

A nice buzz from whackyweed can make the river magical, however, as long as you don't get sh*tfaced or try running whitewater.

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