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September 22, 2017


‘Unusual substance’ found in soap dispensers at a Detroit airport believed to be man’s bodily fluid

(Thanks to Jeff Meyerson)


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Musta been savin' up for a while...

I'm hang gliding everywhere from now on.

Good thing I never wash my hands at the airport.


I've seen some seedy airport restrooms myself.

I hope whoever added to the soap supply gets his deposit back.

Reading this enlightening story of hope and compassion combined with an act of inconceivable consideration for others, it reminded me of this classic Jizz, some say this possibly blues, number by Eddie 'Cleanhead' Vinson.

This is why it is safest to taste test the soap before you wash your hands.

It’s unclear if the substance was indeed a bodily fluid because it hasn’t been tested yet, according to WDIV-TV.

Detroit officials gots lots of splannin' to do!

First lead in water, and now this....hmmm?

I'm starting to think that train travel is the way to go long distances. Of course this could be a problem if you're going overseas.

Wrong! Bodily fluid is a VERY usual substance. However, the location where it was found is, indeed, unusual for such.

Hmmm. Not much lather in this new soap. Oh well...(washes face, whistling Old Spice music)
Reads article online later...

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