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July 02, 2017


When Paul Williams found out about goat yoga, he knew it would be perfect for his cemetery.

(Thanks to Ralph K.)


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That's just an old-fashioned love bleat.

Marketing problem. They need a better name. Goga, or YogaGoat. I'm just spit-balling here.

Why do we even have a Constitution?

Cobra yoga would be a great way for cemeteries to drum up some business.

Assuming the goats are not house broken (cemetery broken?) there would be an opportunity for posthumous insult here.

Even after they are dead, congressmen can still get your goat.

Goat yogurt? The dairy industry is going to be screaming mad about this.


Little Enos Burdett bet that the Bandit could deliver the goats in 18 hours.

What, it's a different Paul Williams?

Watch out for zombie goats in a cemetery. A kid'll eat live ones too; wouldn't you?

Spanish and Mexican people have a much better use for goats than yoga. They call it "cabrito."

Okay, I got some - uhhh - Oak Trees here in the yard. Okay, okay - so anybody up for OakTree-Yoga? Very Relaxing - and Very Stimulating at the same time! You know what I mean? It's Everything for Everybody!

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