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June 26, 2017


A Florida man driving an RV on the Onondaga Lake Parkway hit the bridge -- shearing off air-conditioning units, awnings and antennas from the RV -- but did not stop, the Onondaga County Sheriff's Office said.

(Thanks to John G)


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11 foot 8?

11foot8.com (I can't seem to make the linky work)

No one was hurt, Seeber said, but a vehicle traveling behind the RV got a flat tire driving through the debris.

Soon to be a major country song!

I'm Tucker McElroy... Lead singer, driver of the Winnebago.

Florida Man...'nuff said.

" I meant to do that. "

When my three kids were small we had an RV that we used to take to Ocean Lakes in Myrtle Beach, SC every year for a week. One week it rained every single day so there were 5 of us stuck in an RV all day, every single day. I can see my husband doing something like this at the end of that trip. Did I mention our kids were all under the age of five?

"Hauling chickens down Wolf Creek Pass when the brakes went out on my truck. There was a tunnel ahead, the sign said clearance twelve feet ten, but those chickens were stacked to fourteen nine. Hit that tunnel goin' ninety-eight. Took that top layer of chickens off that truck like scum off a swamp.."

With apologies to C. W. McCall.

For more hilarity, see 11foot8.com

Here's the Linky.

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