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June 23, 2017


Elgin men tried to pass off pancake mix as $27,000 worth of cocaine, police say

We're not sure we understand why you can be arrested for selling pancake mix, but whatever.

(Thanks to Not My Usual Alias, who says "Looks like we have about $10k worth of batter in the pantry.")


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If you watch COPS you would see there are a lot of criminals try to pass off a variety of substances as cocaine. These people still are charged with felonies for trying to make a fool out of police, mostly. It never fails when these people are arrested and the fake cocaine are found in their pants, it's never their pants.

"You have cocaine in hidden in your pants."

"These are not my pants."

"What is your name?"

"Bill Holiday."

"Spell Holiday"


Idiots. Cream of Wheat is the contraband of choice.


Make sure the local pancake fundraisers a lot more high stake

Because pancake mix is a gateway "flour"...soon they'll be getting high off muffix mix and blueberries, and
after that, crepes...

Oh, and don't get them started on the french toast...

By the way, what time is brunch? I'm feeling hungry..

Finish off that stack of pancakes by huffing a few cans of Dust-Off and your day will be complete.

Aunt Jemima and Mrs. Butterworth are the French Toast Connection...

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