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June 21, 2017


Medical marijuana woos four-legged fans

(Thanks to Roberto)


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"I think the dog is talking to me!"

"And the cat, Cheech, remember the cat?"

Dude, that's my tail!

Noted. Cayley now gives shotguns with no sign of anxiety. When He rings a bell Cayley comes out of her buzz and drags out the twinkie\ box from the supply closet. She used to fetch twinkies when she had anxiety and an owner who wasn't so lame.

I was offered a weed card for my chronic pain. I'm waiting for my ponytail to catch up.

I wouldn't hesitate for the dogs if they needed it. Our semi-tripod dog (front leg is still partially functioning) may need it in the future.

My cat would not like it - she does not smoke and not drink either, she is clean and sober.

Timmy would still be in the well had Lassie gotten hold of this.

Snork@ wanderer2575

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