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June 24, 2017


Goose wearing a red thong found by RSPCA

(Thanks to Alan Dean)


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Wild night at the Aflac sales convention?

Oh, great. First it was six pack plastic. Now the Eco-goons will be after our thongs (well, not mine).

I am fed up with all this goose-shaming. Just because a goose dresses in a certain way, she's asking for it? Live and let live people.

I blame Kim Kardashian. With her "disappearing butt" she loses more and more thongs.

"While although the bird did have a slight case of angel wing, luckily they didn’t have any serious injuries as a result of getting caught."


"Angel wing - Wikipedia:
Angel wing, also known as airplane wing, slipped wing, crooked wing, and drooped wing, is a syndrome that affects primarily aquatic birds, such as geese and ducks, in which the last joint of the wing is twisted with the wing feathers pointing out laterally, instead of lying against the body."


The thong has ended, but the malady lingers on.

Why does he refer several times to the goose as "they"? Does this goose also have a blog?

*snork* @ Ralph...

And, ewwwwww! Pics show they weren't handling the thong with surgical gloves. Or the goose, for that matter...

"Deputy chief inspector Anthony Pulfer and animal collection officer Abbie Fright found the animal at Prickend Pond in Chislehurst, south east London."

Maybe there's a reason the thong was ditched at a place called Prickend Pond.

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