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June 27, 2017


A pair of cats in Japan that have been trained to ring bells for treats have improved their act by donning fruit-shaped hats.

This has been The News From Abroad.

(Thanks to funny man)


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b_ru_ru will disappear very soon and they'll never find the body.

Japanese bell-ringing cats opened for The Brian Setzer Orchestra.

wanderer2575 is correct. The expression on those two cats faces says it all. b_ru_ru ...R.I.P. (cat translation: rest in pieces).

These cats are unstoppable.

My cat just bites me if she wants a treat (any food would do).

It is too bad that Einstein, Freud, Edison, Skinner, Feynmann, Newton, Watson, Pasteur, Crick, Curie, DaVinci, Turing, and other titans of scientific knowledge could not share in this convergence of advancements that will forever change how our world is viewed.

Banana Skinner?

It is exactly this type of humiliation of cats that squirrels will exploit to take over the world.

(Microwave bell rings)

Oh, dinner!

The cat knows that you have to sleep sometime. Then, revenge

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