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June 27, 2017


Czech power plant holds bikini contest to pick interns

(Thanks to Le Petomane)


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Oh, man! And my bikini is at the dry cleaners.

This does not bode well for the male applicants.

Homer is one of the judges. Smithers would not be reliable.

The girl who won the most votes would be dubbed the “Bouncer of Energy” and awarded a 14-day internship at the company.

I would not even think of commenting here. Ladies?

"The purpose of the competition was to promote technical education"

Yeah, that's exactly what I was thinking.

"Ms. Kuchařová, your internship is progressing nicely. The topless attire is very becoming when you file charts."

What does this button do?

The Czech is in the male?

@Chet - "Oopsie!" (giggles...Siren goes off)

Hasn't our congressmen been using bikini contests to select interns for years?

More power to them. The winner will have nearly full power over the plant peons if she plays her cards right.

"I find it incredible that someone could gain a professional advantage for their good looks." What planet has this guy been living on!?!

Insert (heh) your "They got the idea from Bill Clinton" joke here...

Imagine where she'll go with "Energy Bouncer" on her resume!

"And THE WINNER IS [Drum roll} Miss August, who wants to bathe and shave Czech men because she can!"

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