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June 24, 2017


A Rhode Island company that makes jewelry from breast milk has been ordered to refund customers and return the breast milk they sent.

(Thanks to Al Barkafski)


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I thought milk refunds stopped in the 1950's...???

Obligatory: Buncha boobs.

Well, darnnit... What am I going to do now with all this breast milk I've been expressing ?

Allicia Mogavero may have been in high school shop class.

"Students, listen up. Put away your T squares and gather round in the jigsaw area, Alicia has come up with a stimulating idea for making jewelry."

"Breast milk jeweler ordered to refund customers, return milk" - BMJ once costumed Cher.

I'd hate to be her mailman.

So what happens if the jewelry goes sour?

And what happens if you ordered buttermilk, or soy milk?

Can they do custom flavors?

When I was in high school, signs everywhere said "Express yourself".

This doesn't seem to be working for me.

So much for the milk of human kindness...

Good point, cindy.

Didn't Breast Milk Jewelers open for Madonna?

I can't understand all this new hype over breast milk. Uncle Billy Bob always used to say it was perfect. The containers it comes in are really cute and are high enough off the ground the cats can't get to it.

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