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June 24, 2017


Man Visits Disneyland 2,000 Days in a Row


(Thanks to Rob Simbeck)


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"It's a small world after all" is one of the best earwigs around. You're welcome.

If it kept his spirits up... more power to him. Not me -- for my new employee photo, the pose to make me look like something other than a gargoyle resulted in my knee having to be put back in place. The Happiest Place would have banned my on the second day.

My cousin in FL is soooo jealous. Her Facebook posts look like a continuous Disney tour already.

That frickin guy is frickin everywhere. If you come to So CA He will drive you nuts. At the hotel, at the grocery store in the waiting room at the Dr.'s office. Next to you at the urinal.

Hidden backstory: Disney creates self-powered veteran android "A.I. robot" and tests it out?

"Surely, you must be jestin?"

"Don't call me Shirley or Justin. My name's Drebin."

Now that his sentence is up, what are his plans ?

I've been to Disney World once. I have no desire to go back either. Maybe it's just me but standing in long lines under the Florida sun just isn't my idea of a fun time. My favorite ride was the monorail especially when it was going back to the parking lot.

Can you ride on it if you don't have mono ?

I went to Disneyworld every year for 8 years in a row with my children. NEVER AGAIN. NEVER.

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