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June 24, 2017


Boston is doing 'horrific' things to poutine, warns magazine writer

(Thanks to The Perts)


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I'm an American. Therefore I must admit that poutine is pretty horrific in itself.

How can you tell?

Magazine writers worry a lot.

With cheap round crackers it's Poutine on the Ritz.

As a Bostonian, I am too busy eating baked beans and clam chowder to notice such culinary offenses.

When it comes to offenses against poutine, I would place "Marshmallow Fluff" in the "horrific" category...

Do they have a cardiologist on standby ?

In Boston restaurants you can expect to get scrod.

Vladimir Poutine ?

Please note that poutine is properly pronounced "poo tin".

For good reason.

Just like "California" pizza: a good thing ruined by foodinistas.

I had to Google poutine to find out what it was. First off, if I ever visit Boston, I doubt I would order anything but seafood.
Out West, order a chicken fried steak with fries, put nacho cheese on the fries and smother the whole thing with country gravy. Might taste something like poutine and snap your arteries in the same manner, but it's good eatin' whatever you call it.

The real stuff.
In Acadie.

Salt pork dumplings wrapped in 50/50 mashed and shredded raw potatoes, boiled...

Poutine râpée is a traditional Acadian dish that in its most common form consists of a boiled potato dumpling with a pork filling; it is usually prepared with a mixture of grated and mashed potato.

Some versions of the dish call for the dumpling to then be boiled on its own for several hours, while others, particularly the versions without meat, can be added to the Acadian dish fricot (a savoury stew).

Because of the time it takes to prepare poutine râpée, it is generally regarded as a special occasion meal, especially popular during the holidays. White or brown sugar, maple syrup or fruit preserves may accompany the dish.

@ Bob Pert--Your recipe sounds delicious! But anything using potato dumplings has to be good. My grandparents came from Cornwall, England and I remember those delicious Cornish meat pasties they used to make. They were a staple in Western mining camps for years, but they sadly seem to have disappeared.



Monsieur, if it pleases you.

Here in Acadie
We know about and admire Petomane.
And the national dessert is Pets de Soeur.

Pet de sœur (French: "(religious) sisters' fart"), euphemistically translated nun's pastries or brown sugar rolls, are French-Canadian pastry cakes covered with butter and brown sugar which are rolled, sliced and then baked. They are often served during the Christmas season. A variation uses molasses instead of brown sugar, or caramel sauce or maple syrup can also be substituted.
A tart can also be made with pets de sœurs.

Pet de sœur are sometimes confused with pet de nonne, also euphemized as "nun's puffs"), which are a completely different pastry dessert.

French fries topped with pasta? I don't care what you call it; bring it on!

I get the point of foodies doing weird things just for the sake of doing weird things -- they're like fashion designers in that sense -- but I've had traditional poutine and IMO it needs some improving.

And while I'm thinking about it...

"Poutine-style" is about as credible as "kosher-style" -- there's no "style"; it either is or it ain't.

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