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June 23, 2017


Morons busted trying to steal cops’ cocks

(Thanks to Al Barkafski and John Gregg)


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Glad they caught them or we'd have to say that "Police have nothing to go with."

Say 'cop a cop's cock' three times fast.

Everybody just move along. Nothing to see here. Nothing funny about this headline. Just move along.

And, don't mess with their donuts, either...

But who's going to punish the chickens?

"The gamecocks were just some of the more than 200 that authorities rescued from the brutal operation..."

It does say they were game....

One would think that policemen, of all people, would use protection for their cocks.

Cocks. Bad Boyz Bad Doyz. What 'cha gunna do. Bad Boyz Bad Boyz. When they come for u.

That would be hard to pull off.

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