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June 21, 2017


A Texas woman who police said packed a loaded pistol in her vagina has been sentenced to probation after she pleaded guilty to drug possession.

(Thanks to Bill Hudgins)


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We don't want to know where the drugs were hidden.

Wouldn't a gun rust down there ?

Hair trigger: Life without genitals.

An in depth, illustrated (except or a few missing pictures) mini saga.

by Ashley Cecilia Castaneda

The gun was loaded but not c&*%!d

She was off like a shot...

Everything's bigger "down there"?

Texas: rivaling Florida IYKWIM(AITYD)

The judge also admonished her that he wouldn't tolerate anymore fishy behavior.

Oh, lay that pistol down, babe
Lay that pistol down
Pistol packing mama
Lay that pistol down

I've heard of this procedure before - I think it is called a holsterectomy.

There is no good reason for those things to be in civilian vaginas. That said, I support her right to be a pistol-packing mama.

Isn't that a Beatles song? Happiness is a warm gun?

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