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March 31, 2017


Bra gets tangled in Highland red deer stag's antlers

(Thanks to Bill Hudgins)


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Well it is kinkier thinking how did he get that bra? (ha)

Are we sure of the location? Could the deer have visited Ohio recently?

Another wild stag party?

I'm sure this had nothing to do (wink wink) with that donated wedding dress....

" I dreamed I was a highland red deer stag antler... "

When that deer gets home, he's going to have a LOT of explaining to do to the wife.

Nice rack!

Damn, that's a big double barreled slingshot. Way to show the NoRKs who's in charge.

Must have gotten it at Vixen's Secret.

Reindeer games have changed a lot since my day.

This happens all too often. Or maybe not. Who knows? Fake news! So UNFAIR!

Amateur. Yellowstone Elk take the whole wash line, with the poles.

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