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January 08, 2017


A game of ‘Family Feud’ at home turns into screwdriver attack in ear


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You'll have to speak up. What? Too soon?

*Snork*@"Family Feud"!

Bet there was some alcohol involved.

I didn't know the Keys had a Chuck E. Cheese.

'Mrs. Green, with a screwdriver in the ear' ? sounds more like a game of Clue

will she need an Operation?

The Family Feud 'gambit' was tried at the local Senor Center, but only one time. No details were given.

Good answer, good answer! (Standard "Family Feud" rallying cry)

You don't suppose somebody got ticked off there was no $20,000 prize (like on the TV version), do ya?

(Also no consolation g

gift cards. Boy, TypePad is mean sensitive today!

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