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January 27, 2017


There are Giant Clouds of Alcohol Floating in Space

(Thanks to Chris Johnson)


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Somewhere out there, a giant olive is hurtling toward it.

Maybe James Bond spilled his martini in Moonraker.

We're gonna need more hors d'oeuvres.

" For astronomers, these alcohol clouds can be a telling clue into how our biggest stars form. "

It's how some of our biggest stars here on Earth form as well.

*throws down a shooting star* - in space no one can hear you BUURRRRRRRP

Hey, who took the keyshhh to my sate(hic!) satellite? Never mind, I'm shtaying here with this lovely .... hey, where you going?

Fine. As I was*snorrrrrrre*

Now we have a solid reason to go to the stars.

..and in other news, NASA's applications for employment increased 5000% today.

"It seems, then, that the center of our galaxy may taste and smell like raspberry-flavored rum."

Aarrrgh! Second shtar to the right and shtraight on 'til more bling!

I was hoping for cherry or blueberry. Obviously I am in the wrong universe.

So would Spring Break there be out of the question?

Space: The final frontier bar.

Beam me up, Scottie!!!

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