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January 24, 2017


She posted online that the rat was running around her feet, then told a waitress who offered $30 in discounts after writing "SEEN RAT" on the receipt.

(Thanks to Jeff Meyerson, who says "In Florida there is no discount as the restaurant would go bankrupt.")


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Many places charge extra for the rat.

Management usually attributes the sight of rats as, "the wind caused it."

See you real soon!
Why, because we like you!

I think rats have their own park in Orlando

If it's not as you ordered it, you send it back. How hard is that?

Is this the place that has the dancing rat, pizza and video games ?

such a simple tweak - boy if ever there was a restaurant name jes Screaming to be hacked !
spray paint, anyone ?

such a simple tweak - boy if ever there was a restaurant name jes Screaming to be hacked !
spray paint, anyone ?

rats :(

rats :(

ok i did NOT DO THAT

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