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December 28, 2016


Furious bride attacks 'drunk' groom and launches into expletive-filled rant in the back of taxi on their way home from wedding

(Thanks to pharmaross)


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Alcohol may have been involved . . .

He's feeling no pain from the slugfest. And you say guys don't think ahead...

We all enjoy a beautiful love story where the couple live happily ever after. This isn't one of those.

This one missed inclusion in the Kama Sutra.

Marriage is grand. Divorce is a couple hundred grand.

Marriage is a commitment
and marriage is a institution.

So when I feel that I need to be committed to an institution, I'll get married.

This couple is on the fast track.

"I hate you."

"Wanna see me shoot a bottle rocket outta my ass?"

Marriage drove him to drink.
Short drive . . .

--Always get married in the morning. That way if it doesn't work out, you haven't wasted a whole day.
---Mickey Rooney

A concert this summer will feature these bands:

“Furious Bride”
“Sweaters for Drones”
“Running Clowns”
“Shuffleboard Rage”
“Undeclared Walnuts”

"...white lace and fisticuffs."

He's gonna wake up with a bunch of bruises on his chest. He may not remember much and attribute it to his "frisky" bride the next morn. We can only hope.

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