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December 27, 2016


Ice cream cakes recalled for undeclared walnuts

(Thanks to Monique)


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They aren't illegal, just undocumented

I could swear I saw a Brand New Bag of Undeclared Walnuts open for James Brown.

The infinite number of monkeys and their infinite number of typewriters wrote that one.

Don't undeclared walnuts taste the same as declared walnuts? Just asking.

At what weight do you have to declare walnuts ?

Walnuts? Gimme pecans.

When in the Course of manufacturing ice cream cakes it becomes necessary for one company to use a third party supplier for the cake layers.....a decent respect to the potential allergic reactions of their caking eating customers requires that they should declare the walnuts.....

Sorry, not funny. If you ever saw a child with a nut allergy swell up and have trouble breathing, you'd be cheering for this honest response (even if they were forced to make it).

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