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December 24, 2016


Happy Chanukah, however you choose to spell it. 


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Thanks, Dave. And the same to you and your family!

I prefer the old-fashioned spelling: "Hanukkah" and heartily disapprove of the modern "phonetic" option, "Khanike."

(Yes, we are planning to partake in the traditional Chinese food feast for tomorrow's evening repast.)

"On Moische! On Herschel! On Schlomo!
It's Hanukkah Harry 8 nights a year!
On Moische! On Herschel! On Schlomo!
Means that Hanukkah Harry is here!
Delivering toys to Jewish girls and Jewish boys,
We dance the Horah around the menorah,
'Cuz Hanukkah Harry is here!"

Happy Harmonukkah.

You expected maybe Hebrew letters?

I'm with you, klezmerphan. We Jews always know where to find good Chinese food on Christmas Eve.

klezmerphan, we considered the traditional feast of smiling duck and a festive round of "Deck the Halls with Boughs of Horry" too, but decided to go Italian instead.

I must be Jewish and didn't know it, I love Chinese food takeout on Christmas eve. Tomorrow, here at the Roswell Home for the Constantly Bewildered, we get to have pizza for dinner.
Happy Hanukkah!

I like it, Ralph.

I'm not of the tribe, but I once erected a movie screen for a Christmas Day showing of a movie...maybe Star Wars...at a synagogue. My Jewish friend, who solicited the thing ("Jewish kids have nothing to do on December 25!"), blew up at me when I nearly knocked down the Torah.

It's the most wonderful time of the year. Happy Hanukkah!

I'm not officially part of the tribe, but my DNA results say I've got a little tribal blood in me. I hope that counts. Happy Hanukkah back atcha!

I'm a "Ch" person myself: Happy Chanukah to Mrs Blog and Sophie!


If you're reformed,

Happy Hannukah.

If you're conservative,

Happy Chanukah.

If you're orthodox,

חנוכה שמח

And if you're messianic,

Merry Christmas.

Aren't we all one "tribe" here?

I call us all crazy, but that only means we're different, in a good way!

Everyone here is the nicest group of friends that I've never met!

To quote Sophie from about 13 years ago: Have Joy!

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