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December 24, 2016


Pantless Canadian passenger is detained for 'hijacking a baggage-towing vehicle and driving on tarmac at Orlando airport after he was barred from flight for behaving erratically'

(Thanks to The Perts, Patty Villanova and Ralph)


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Canada agreed to build a wall before the election no matter who won.

If this doesn't prove he's not behaving erratically, I don't know what will.

This is sheer discrimination! How would they tell he was Canadian and not any other Floridian who was pantless and driving a vehicle he had no business driving?

Or was he eating poutine at the time?

If this guy moved to Flathead County, he'd be considered normal.

I think Florida is his natural environment. If you send him home, he'd only pine for the swamps.

Pants are for wimpy Americans. Real men go to Canadian winter nudist colonies.

He mistook the cart for a Zamboni...which is a cue for another joke that would be inappropriate for the holidays.

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