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December 28, 2016


Think sharks are scary? There’s a new critter swimming in Biscayne Bay


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"Last month, a kayaker spied a 9-foot Burmese python wrapped around part of a platform more than a half mile offshore in Biscayne National Park usually inhabited by sunning cormorants."

So, what happened to the cormorants?

Oh wait. Never mind.

Oh boy doesn't that sound exciting.

As a surfer, let me say that there's usually not much swell in a bay.

I wonder if his name is Monty.

Why does it always have to be snakes?

" Bobby Hill was able to snag the snake the next day. "

So the story has a happy ending after all.

snag the snake

Is that what the kids are calling it these days?

So much for swimming in that part of the ocean 'for good health' -- http://www.nzherald.co.nz/opinion/news/article.cfm?c_id=466&objectid=11773533.

Check out what swimming in Russian waters:L


On the plus side there won't be many rats in Biscayne Bay.

Or, LeDud, the rats will be very well fed. AND have fashionable footwear.

"When you actually see something like this, how often does it occur that you don’t see it?”

He took the words right out of my mouth.. I think.

"When you actually see something like this, how often does it occur that you don’t see it?”

He took the words right out of my mouth.. I think.

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