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December 31, 2016


An Indonesian budget airline has fired a pilot suspected of trying to fly a plane while he was drunk, and two of its executives are resigning.

(Thanks to Ross C. and Steve K.)


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I saw the Allegedly Drunk Pilots open for Katrina and the Waves.

Flying without a plane is definitely discouraged.

I think to fly on an Indonesian budget airline, getting drunk before boarding would be reasonable for both passengers and pilots.

Security didn't notice because all his booze was in three-ounce bottles and clear baggies.

Here in Calgary, this morning, cops arrested the airline captain who passed out inside the aircraft cabin. The flight was from Calgary to Cancun. It was one of those cheap holiday airlines.

A lot of flyers start drinking early.

Well, holidaying in Calgary is pretty intensive. You have to line up in Cancun to catch the cheap flights!

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