Canadians sent home for trying to sneak cat into New Zealand
(Thanks to Le Petomane)
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Canadians sent home for trying to sneak cat into New Zealand
(Thanks to Le Petomane)
(Thanks to Ross Couples)
We're guessing he's single. And we're hoping he remains that way.
Advisory: Bad words, stupidity.
(Thanks to Scott MGS)
Does One Armpit Smell Like the Other?
(Thanks to Nancy Gill)
(Thanks to L. Schutjer)
Eating more red meat does NOT hurt your heart
(Thanks to Le Petomane)
£700,000 worth of coke found in Pepsi
(Thanks to Another Ralph, who says "it's the real thing.")
Lacing Dog Treats With Cannabis Is Big Business
Related: Spaniels 'drunk' from lapping up Christmas booze
(Thanks to Nancy Gill)
Savage elephant farts directly on friend’s head
(Thanks to Ross Couples)
70 staff members ill after Department of Health luncheon
(Thanks to Le Petomane, Ross C. and Another Ralph)
Woman has no idea who owns meth, syringes
(Thanks to Jeff Meyerson, who says "In that case, ma'am, you are free to go.")
East Icelanders tell TV weatherman to stop standing in front of their region
(Thanks to The Perts)
Her mid-flight meal contained six large dumplings and something that resembled a penis.
(Thanks to Jan in Grimsby, W. von Papineau, Ross C. and Ralph)
Man wins OK to wear goat horns in driver's license photo
(Thanks to Bill Hudgins)
Wife thought husband was having an affair because he had a shave and a hair cut
(Thanks to Jeff Meyerson)
(Thanks to Mark Schlesinger)
Chewbacca Is Collared By Police Force
Again, see if you can guess the state.
(Thanks to Bill Hudgins)
Santa busted for allegedly selling drugs
(Thanks to Rick Day)
Japanese firm unveils 'virtual wife' to battle loneliness
(Thanks to Nancy Gill)
Uber driver in Michigan stabs passenger five times, says he ‘disrepected’ the car
(Thanks to Jeff Meyerson)
Nearly half of men would have sex with robots
(Thanks to funny man and Andrew Mendez)
"Without regular erections, the penis can shrink by one or two centimetres,” the urologist warns.
(Thanks to Ross Couples)
(Thanks to Janice Gelb)
(Thanks to Ross Couples)
(Thanks to Al Barkafski, who asks "Who could have seen this coming?")
Black Goat Is Sacrificed On Tarmac Of Pakistani Airport
(Thanks to Ralph and Gargoyle Socks, who says "They tried doing in-flight, but failed because all they had available was a plastic spork.")
Painful image of man's penis after he 'strangles' it by putting wedding ring on 'for erotic reasons'
(Thanks to Ross Couples)
Florida police arrest man after he tried to break into a home wearing nothing but pants on his arms
(Thanks to Patty Villanova)
Woman lies down naked in protest against Christmas dinner
(Thanks to Ross Couples)
'He's a medium build with white hair': Police issue bizarre appeal after SHEEP 'assaults' officer
(Thanks to Le Petomane and Ross Couples)
Hernando deputies arrest meth dealer named 'Disney'
(Thanks to Tim Stoops)
Thai Company Wants to Sell You This $1,500 Ghost Repelling Device
(Thanks to Jeff Schneider)
(Thanks to Ross Couples)
...for the UK to get hammered.
(Thanks to Jeff Meyerson)
Women decorating breasts to look like reindeer in weird Internet craze
(Thanks to Ross Couples)
Uranus might be full of surprises
(Thanks to The Amazing Steve)
(Thanks to funny man, Ralph and Le Petomane)
Woman finds deadly snake in her Christmas tree
(Thanks to Phil McAvity, Steve Partridge and Nigel Grout)
The frozen pants: a Calgary mystery
(Thanks to The Perts)
Booby found on UK beach flown back to Caribbean home
(Thanks to Ralph and Le Petomane, who says "I thought they came in pairs.")
Deep sea shark with retractable PENIS on its forehead filmed in wild for first time
(Thanks to Ross Couples)
A gynaecologist actually has to tell people not to keep fruit in their vagina
(Thanks to funny man)