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December 29, 2016


Romans Used to Ward Off Sickness with Flying Penis Amulets

(Thanks to Chris Johnson)


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The Romans thought a lot of a penis. Didn't they?

"I'll have coffee and friend here will have the Penis Amulet."

We have the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster, why not have a Church of the Flying Penis Amulets?

Didn't the Flying Penis Amulets open for Strawberry Alarm Clock??? Or, was it the other way round...

Naaah, we just elected one president..

GA-Oz: They also opened for Flogging Molly. Several members of Tool also joined them in a jam session.

I've heard that the manager of the Circle Jerks was angered that his band was not invited to perform on this tour.

Oops. Broke the Blog.


The theory is: If you give people a good reason to avoid you, you probably won't get sick.

Take two and call me in the morning.

Now available as a broach for Valentine's Day.

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