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December 24, 2016


Man disguised as Father Christmas hands out sweets before robbing a bank

Guy on YouTube blows up a Christmas tree with dynamite.

(Thanks to Ross C. and Roberto)


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Ho Ho Holdup.

"Now I blow up Christmas tree and get squirrel."

"Boris, darling."

I've learned the hard way not to accept candy from a bearded old fat man.

I understand now why Santa has so many aliases...like Father Christmas, Saint Nick, Kris Kringle.

But the FBI/DHS and even interpol share files, so he won't get far.

manual tomato is right. That tree really needed a squirrel in it. Well, maybe add a couple of chipmunks, too.

I thought this is a family blog. Why are we seeing a blow job on soft wood?

If I were the Swedish authorities I'd be questioning that guy about eh Gavle goat.

The First Nobel, The angels did sing...

Jeff, imagine all the poor people who traveled to Gavle for the 50th annual "goat fest/birthday party", (I received an invitation!) only to see the flammable four legged guy torched like a used Christmas tree after only one night? True, his "little brother", amuch smaller proxy-goat, was used as a stand-in, but it's still not the same.

Is "The goat burned down before I arrived" a valid reason for an airline refunding your ticket costs?

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